Your curriculum organization is extremely important. Having a learn to swim program stemming from Waterbabies and pre-school ages accumulates a large database of information pertaining to activities, drills, safety, skills, and stroke progressions, to name a few. The easiest way nowadays is to have your curriculum in an online database which allows you to have everything in one place. This kind of easy access gives you the freedom to provide your teachers with instructional videos for training, as well as having them create lesson plans in a flash! You stay organized and up to date this way!
Use of equipment is very important through teaching. Whether it’s doing an assisted glide to reach for a toy or playing the ball game, equipment use has many benefits. Let’s take the ball game for example: getting the li’l swimmers to blow their bubbles for the balls to pop up, then glide to reach for a ball which puts them in a proper horizontal position, while catching the ball and returning it to the bucket, allows them to have hand/eye coordination and be able to move through the water (with the parent of course) in a comfortable position. For a more advanced swimmer who’s learning to float on their back, the use of hugging a kick board gives the child a sense of security, while aiding them with some buoyancy to get them in that proper horizontal position. Equipment uses have many variations and the possibilities are endless!
One last tip is to make sure your curriculum is inclusive on learn to swim, safety skills including personal survival skills.
The Not So Serious Corner:
Should refrain from sneezing during flip turns…😀