Maintaining A Positive Work Environment!


  Maintaining a positive work environment ensures that your staff come to work with a positive and productive attitude. Happy staff leads to happy students. This in turn leads to a better learning environment for the students. Children can feel energy, as they are very in tune with their emotions. If you have a staff member who is having a bad day and is wearing it on their sleeve their demeanor will be reflected [...]

Maintaining A Positive Work Environment!2018-07-27T02:56:13-04:00

Staff Development


  Engaging Your Staff to Promote Development Try this exercise: "Celebrate Success with Your Staff" by having a weekly "add to the jar”. Have your staff submit short notes into a “staff jar”. These thoughts could be about a successful teaching moment, “thanks for covering my shift”, or affirmation of a colleague. Every week go over the notes in the jar and choose a favourite. The favourite gets put into the “session jar” and all [...]

Staff Development2018-07-27T03:01:14-04:00
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