Foundational Reminders


  As swim teachers, repetition is key. Whether it’s the skills that are repeated for the children to master, songs with purpose or even the act of teaching daily, we must make sure that staff does not get complacent from doing classes over and over again. As children progress through the session, it’s important to make sure the staff remains on point and are always one step ahead and being proactive. Make sure staff prepares [...]

Foundational Reminders2018-07-27T03:09:05-04:00

Things That Lead to Running a World Class Swim School:


Your curriculum organization is extremely important. Having a learn to swim program stemming from Waterbabies and pre-school ages accumulates a large database of information pertaining to activities, drills, safety, skills, and stroke progressions, to name a few. The easiest way nowadays is to have your curriculum in an online database which allows you to have everything in one place. This kind of easy access gives you the freedom to provide your teachers with instructional videos [...]

Things That Lead to Running a World Class Swim School:2018-07-27T03:09:43-04:00
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