The Swimagine “Swimposium At Sea”
November 5 – 10, 2018

What an amazing time we had aboard the beautiful Celebrity Infinity sailing the Western Caribbean! Our two days at Sea during the cruise gave us the opportunity to learn about Gaining and Retaining Staff, Marketing, Systems, Technology for our Businesses, Customer Experience Trends, Team-building and more! We enjoyed active participation and group discussions with our swim school friends and wow, we learned a lot!!! Best of all we made new friends, new connections and new networks that will enhance all of our businesses……all while we had a fantastic time!

Our two destination ports of call; Cozumel Mexico and Nassau Bahamas proved they had something to offer everyone from shopping to snorkeling and diving to off road adventures and private islands, beach time and the warm Caribbean Sea….

The Celebrity Infinity is a top class ship with a world class crew and we enjoyed the fantastic food, service, entertainment, dancing, shows, pools , spa, fitness area, and an onboard Apple Computer Lab!

Testimonials from the Event:

Fantastic experience. Learned A LOT! Loved the atmosphere and small group setting. Will definitely attend again.

Swimposium was an amazing adventure. I would recommend it to anyone who would love the opportunity to get to know your Swim Families on a new level.

I am so happy I attended the Swimposium 2018. The presentations were full of information and the group was small enough that we were all able to discuss our experiences.

I would definitely recommend it. It’s a unique opportunity to really get to know the experts in the industry. The content was invaluable and the venue was exceptional.

Great meeting. Very helpful.

The Swimposium At Sea is a rare opportunity to share and expand upon state-of-the-art concepts and methods in all areas of swim school business operations and “in the pool” techniques to maintain and gain competitive advantage!

Stay tuned for news about where and when the next Swimposium will be by signing up to our updates and promotions list!

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Thanks to our partners and sponsors for making the Swimposium At Sea a World Class Luxury Learning Experience!